, pub-3093549154593627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Daynahz Anxiety 2 Art Blog: I need some sunshine. This is a cry for help.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

I need some sunshine. This is a cry for help.

 So I’ve been living with my ex for 3 months, before I broke up with him in December for never having ever paid bills or made me feel financially stable. Just using me the entire time. I don’t even have money, I barely survive. I also have severe anxiety and panic disorder so finding work is extremely challenging. 

People don’t hire you when you are emotional. 

They like robots who have an off button.

 In the entire 8 years of being together, living in a van while we were homeless was the best part of our relationship.

That was when I was still naive of the hell he would bestow upon me for years to come. 

When we got into this apartment, we used every cent I GOT from my disability, not his, he didn’t have income or work. 

I’ve paid the bills the entire time we’ve been together, we’ve lived in this apartment for 6 years now. He’s has worked 2 different “jobs” 3 months a piece. A total of 6 months work since we’ve dated...

I’m not working but I have  an income we survive on, if he had an income we’d both be ok, he just never cared to put in the effort. 

With that short income, He went off and spent that money instantly,  spent a tiny bit to internet, but mostly bought instruments that he would never use or record with. 

Up until 2 weeks ago the only birthday and Christmas present he’s ever even gotten me was a $1 hot wheels DUCK car... and that was given to me after I broke up with him... he used my $1...

I’ve bought him hundreds of those damned cars just BECAUSE he wanted them.. I’ve made him dinners, (never done that for me) I’ve bought him dinners (never done that for me) I’ve paid the rent and all the bills since we got together... I bought him presents birthday and Christmas and just because presents, never one from him... 

Not even a card. 

He took me to all his family holidays, we had nothing to give, but he always forced me to go and accept shit looking like an ass because I was there at all. 


Well, he got his stimulus...

He spent a LOT on himself already, a synth, some microchips and other stuff, a few other important things, but he hasn’t paid a bill yet... (he paid a big chunk of power after this post but not much else)

Here’s the thing. He let me spend $104 on anything I wanted from a craft store that’s closing... 

I told him this makes up for all the missing birthdays. That was my mistake... 

So tonight after asking him to clear this one box that he had filled up twice (I had cleared it twice to use it to paint on and he kept filling it with crap... so I asked him to clear it, 2 weeks ago) tonight I ended up doing it myself cuz dammit I want to paint.

I clear it myself... and then the new easel he bought me during this ONE Time present, it’s been sitting by the couch for these 2 weeks. But tonight i go to use it... I spend 20 minutes looking, I ask him and he tells me where HE moved it... but I still can’t find it... so he throws a fit because I DARE ask him for help finding an easel that I WOULDN’T EVEN HAVE IF HE DIDN’T BUY IT FOR ME... I answered him YOU WOULDNT HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE OR A BED to sleep in  if it weren’t for me (I’m on the couch, he gets the bedroom, and the second room for his music that he doesn’t make, and the living room is my ONLY room that he spends All day in now, in my only space alone... he has 3 rooms I have NONE to myself 

He thinks I DON’T care, I’m neglectful, I don’t give him credit... for what taking out the trash a week after I ask? 


I tell him how I feel and said PLEASE just help me find this so I can PAINT AND release my anxiety of this madness, please. 

HE STONEWALLS ME, screams at me at 10:30pm and plugs his ears like a child jumping on the bed “IM NOT LISTENING I CANT HEAR YOU YOURE EVIL, you’re stupid” and makes childlike mocking when I’m crying about how I feel. Then when i TELL HIM I WANT HIM OUT OF MY LIFE, he MOCKS ME EVEN MORE and says he will NEVER LEAVE.

 he’s never very little into our home financially, he has 2 bedrooms and is trying to take Mine (the living room is my room), and if he was blasting this on the internet he’d be cloutchasing... (like when someone hides your stress release (my easel so I can paint my frustrations out) and then acts like your crazy when you make a big deal. 

He doesn’t care that he’s using someone, gaslighting or stonewalling  me. then, expecting and expecting but giving nothing in return, I made him a ton of food and gave him Extra... I was thanked with fingers in the ears acting like a child. 

So he HIDES my easel and when I ask he acts like I’m an idiot for not finding it, and says I wouldn’t even HAVE it if it weren’t for him, then he says HE SPENT $200 on me, nope he spent $104, I remember) on CRAP that he never wanted to buy me in the first place. 

He wouldn’t have a roof over his head for 6 years and food in his belly this entire time... he would live on Spoonfuls of peanut butter and Wheat bread (your think he’d make a sandwich, but nope)

all I ask for his help with bills, is that too much to ask? HE SAYS IM EVIL CUZ I ASK HIM FOR HELP, I’m evil cuz I ask him to help me find things HE HIDES from me and yells at me for asking about.. IM EVIL FOR LETTING HIM LIVE AND EAT AND USE ME FOR 8 years of my FUCKING LIFE. 

IM EVIL BECAUSE I LET HIM GASLIGHT ME, stonewall me, financially abuses me.

I really need a way out. Please help me. 

I’ve been stuck with this for so long and I he won’t leave and I can’t leave. 


He’s KILLING ME EMOTIONALLY, financially, spiritually. 

He’s the DEVIL , I’ve even gotten the DEVIL CARD FOR HIM MULTIPLE Times ,

I’ve lived in the TOWER MOMENT for almost a decade, all I need is my SUN. My happy. Please give me some sunshine in my life. I need it. I’m tired of the dark clouds and rain, I’m tired of being locked out in the rain for hours, only to be greeted with a cold dark place to sleep. 

I pay for the place and I sleep on an uncomfortable COUCH in the living room and gotta spend my day with his ass on my bed cuz he won’t use his other rooms that I PAY FOR... 


Universe send me a way to be financially stable without  him, make me emotionally and financially free for the first time in a decade.

I’m in literal hell with no friends, people tell me to go talk to someone but HES my only ride... 

 no one wants to be a friend and be there for me. 

Fake people have all the love and support, the abused get treated like the assholes, and i just want it all to be OK


I’ve never hurt so bad in my life and no one gives a fuck. 

I need help out, I NEED help out and I have no one to ask because the very few people who care CAN’T help, and the people that CAN just don’t care. 

Therapy Isn’t going to get rid of him. Having a support system and getting me out of an EMOTIONALLY AND FINANCIALLY ABUSIVE SITUATION. 

HOME is going to help me not want to DIE to escape. That’s how I feel, that there’s no escape. Please help me escape. 

I’m seeing all these suicide threats and so worried about their lives it temporarily made me STRONG ENOUGH TO TELL THEM they’re strong.. but here I’ am just as alone, just as depressed, I just don’t want to do it. 

I know there’s so much more for me, love, real friendship, truth, passion, I know it’s coming.

 I’m just tired of being stuck in pain, the devil is my captor and everyone tells me HOW I should be or it’s not so bad, or “spend money you don’t have to do this” or “ impose at so and sos place even thou they have no room”  no one can actually suggest anything that will help.  

Having a friend get me out of here, is what will help. Having a real friend will help. 

I’m miserable af and I need someone. 

Right now he’s got money, I got a bit of birthday money my mom sent but it won’t do anything. 

the only money he’s seen in years, he’s holding that over my head, cuz I won’t get my stimulus for MONTHS if I even get it... he’s fucking with me

He’s the house cat and I’m the mouse. Just fuck with me til he’s bored but barely keeps me alive 

I’m literally a slave in my own home and I don’t get any happiness or peace from doing everything. 

And I’m told no one wants to hear it

Let the ones who suffer silently, suffer silently, 

Gaslight them, praise the abusers, force people to stay with their abusers, tell them they’re just exaggerating 

that’s societies motto it seems. Victims get called abusers when they speak up. Look at Johnny Depp

I’m not physically abused, but financial abuse, emotional abuse, It’s all here and I’m realizing it more and more each day, he says IM ABUSIVE for begging for help. I’m abusive for sticking up for myself. 

God. Send me the strength. Send me a shoulder, send me someone who cares please. 

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